What Is a Susu (aka Sou-Sou)? A Guide To Susu Savings!

Trending 2 years ago

When it comes to redeeming money, nan travel tin often consciousness for illustration a solo mission. Building and maintaining a savings relationship tin beryllium challenging, particularly erstwhile you’re lacking accountability aliases motivation. If accepted redeeming methods aren’t moving for you, aliases you want a much community-driven approach, a Susu mightiness beryllium nan solution you need!

What is simply a Susu aliases SouSou?

But what precisely is simply a Susu, and really does it work? In this guide, we’ll research nan Susu meaning, its origins, and really it tin thief you and your organization prevention money together. You’ll besides study applicable steps to commencement 1 and observe really my ain family has utilized a Susu to scope our savings goals.

What is simply a Susu aliases Sou-Sou?

A Susu (also known by different names for illustration Sou-Sou, su-su, Tontine aliases Ajo) is simply a West African strategy of collectivity for savings, wherever a group of group lend a group magnitude of money astatine regular intervals and return turns receiving nan full sum. It’s a celebrated measurement to prevention wrong African, Caribbean, and immoderate Asian communities, providing members pinch lump sums they tin usage to meet their financial needs. In these communities they are commonly utilized to money weddings, funerals, salary for schoolhouse fees and for business ventures.

The believe of Susu is profoundly rooted successful nan Yoruba word “Esusu,” which refers to collective, community-based savings arrangements. It’s a shape of informal savings often utilized by immigrants and different communities wherever entree to general banking institutions whitethorn beryllium limited.

Each personnel contributes an adjacent magnitude of money, and erstwhile their move arrives, they person nan full magnitude of nan pooled funds, which tin beryllium a game-changer for gathering ample financial goals.

My mom has been portion of a Susu for years, utilizing this strategy arsenic a measurement to prevention for vacations, location improvements, and moreover to build her emergency fund. It’s not conscionable astir nan money for her—being successful a Susu creates a beardown consciousness of solidarity and encouragement pinch nan different Susu members, making it easier to enactment committed to her goals.

The history of Susu

The history of Susu traces backmost hundreds of years to West Africa, wherever organization savings groups allowed group to excavation their resources for corporate benefit. Originating from nan Yoruba’s Esusu practice, this savings statement was basal successful helping families and friends activity together to execute financial stableness successful societies pinch constricted banking access. Over time, Susu dispersed to places for illustration Jamaica, nan Caribbean, and parts of Asia, wherever it became integral to organization redeeming habits.

In galore of these regions, Susu systems helped money important purchases, mini businesses, aliases provided emergency rate for urgent needs.

For communities that had small entree to accepted banking, nan Susu strategy filled a captious domiciled successful individual and communal finance. Today, nan principles down Susu—trust, solidarity, and communal financial support—remain conscionable arsenic relevant.

How does a Susu savings work?

A Susu is simply a rotational savings strategy wherever members’ contributions travel a fixed schedule. Participants, often a group of family members aliases trusted friends, work together to lend a group magnitude of money astatine regular intervals (weekly, bi-weekly, aliases monthly). Each clip nan costs are pooled, 1 personnel of nan group receives nan full sum, rotating until everyone has had their turn.

For instance, successful a Susu pinch 5 group each contributing $100 weekly, 1 personnel would person $500 each week until each subordinate has had their payout. The publication amount, payout order, and timeline are decided collectively by nan group.

In my mom’s case, her Susu rotates monthly. Every month, she contributes her share, and erstwhile it’s her turn, she collects nan full lump sum, which she uses to meet her financial goals. This strategy has been cardinal successful helping her prevention for ample expenses without relying connected accepted banking alone.

Pros and cons of a Susu savings

Like immoderate financial system, a Susu has its benefits and drawbacks.


The pros of this attack to savings include:


Being portion of a group helps support you disciplined and ensures that you prevention regularly. The encouragement from chap Susu members helps you instrumentality to your commitment.

Immediate entree to funds

Once it’s your turn, you person a lump sum of money that you tin usage for ample purchases, paying disconnected debt, aliases different urgent needs.

By pooling resources, nan group useful together, promoting solidarity and communal financial progress. It’s a awesome measurement for savers to enactment motivated and activity collectively.


On nan different hand, immoderate of nan cons to this attack to savings are arsenic follows:

Trust is crucial

The strategy relies connected nan trustworthiness of nan group. If personification doesn’t contribute, it tin disrupt nan travel and lead to financial problems for others. Some unscrupulous individuals whitethorn moreover effort to scam nan group, truthful it’s basal to take reliable members.

Patience required

Depending connected your position successful nan rotation, you mightiness person to hold a while earlier receiving your payout. This tin beryllium a drawback if you request costs immediately.

How to make a Susu savings attack activity for you

If you’re willing successful trying a Susu, here’s really you tin group yourself up for success:

1. Set clear goals and timelines

Before joining aliases starting a Susu, define your savings goal and nan timeline you’re comfortable with. Are you redeeming for a large purchase, paying disconnected debt, aliases building an emergency fund? Knowing what you’re aiming for will thief you find whether nan Susu strategy aligns pinch your objectives.

2. Choose your group wisely

A Susu thrives connected trust. Make judge to prime group you trust—whether family members, friends, aliases colleagues—who will perpetrate to contributing regularly and connected time. The occurrence of your Susu depends connected everyone fulfilling their obligations.

3. Collaborate connected nan rules

Decide together connected nan group magnitude of money each personification will contribute, nan schedule for contributions, and nan bid of payouts. Transparency and collaboration are cardinal to avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring soft operations.

4. Stay committed to nan process

The occurrence of a Susu depends connected each member’s commitment. Stick to nan schedule and make your contributions connected time. My mom’s semipermanent occurrence pinch her Susu is simply a testament to really dedication, trust, and consistency tin lead to awesome financial outcomes.

Expert tip: Be mindful of who you do a Susu with

Before joining a Susu, guarantee that each subordinate is trustworthy and financially reliable. The occurrence of a Susu depends wholly connected communal trust, arsenic it’s an informal savings statement pinch nary ineligible binding.

Always explain nan schedule for contributions, and work together connected nan rules upfront to debar imaginable issues, for illustration missed payments, that could disrupt nan group’s travel and origin financial stress. Trust and transparency are nan foundations of a successful Susu.

Commonly asked questions astir Susu savings

Who should participate successful a Susu?

Susu groups typically dwell of trusted family members, friends, aliases colleagues. Trust is basal because each subordinate relies connected nan others to lend regularly and connected time.

Is Susu a bully measurement to prevention money?

Yes, a Susu is perfect for group who thrive successful a community-driven savings environment. It provides accountability and entree to lump sums of money that tin beryllium utilized for important financial goals aliases emergencies.

Can you suffer money successful a Susu?

While Susu is mostly built connected trust, there’s ever a consequence if a subordinate fails to contribute. If personification drops retired earlier their move to contribute, others whitethorn not person their payout, which is why selecting reliable members is essential.

Can a Susu beryllium done digitally?

Yes, galore Susu groups now usage integer platforms for illustration PayPal, Venmo, aliases banking apps to negociate contributions and payouts. This makes it easier to organize, particularly erstwhile participants unrecorded successful different locations.

Are Susu savings legally binding?

No, Susu savings are usually informal savings arrangements and are not legally binding. There are nary general contracts, truthful spot and clear connection are captious to its success.

Can I subordinate aggregate Susu groups astatine nan aforesaid time?

Yes, it’s imaginable to participate successful much than 1 Susu, but it’s important to guarantee you tin negociate each your contributions without overextending yourself financially.

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Give a Susu savings a try!

Now that you understand what a Susu is and really it works, you tin determine if this savings statement is correct for you. It offers a powerful measurement to build savings wrong a supportive, community-driven environment, peculiarly if you for illustration corporate accountability complete solo savings.

My mom’s acquisition has shown maine that it’s much than conscionable a measurement to save—it’s astir fostering solidarity and communal encouragement wrong nan group. If you want to effort a caller attack to saving, see giving a Susu a try. You mightiness find that this strategy provides nan building and support you request to scope your financial goals.